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How to Get Started with Video Selling

Estee Hall | 10 November 2020

Video selling is a recent trend that has generated a lot of buzz on the internet. Understandably, sales videos have a great capacity to attract customer's potential. According to HubSpot, videos increase the conversion rates of your landing page by over 80%. As video consumption grows, video selling creates great potential for profit and customer engagement. But, is there a way you can incorporate video selling with email? The answer is yes, unequivocally! Adding a video to your sales outreach and communications adds a personal touch and ensures for clear communication.

How Can You Use Video in the Sale Process?

Sales are undeniably challenging. With buyers having a wider array of options and higher expectations than ever, sales are becoming even harder. Sales reps are in constant pursuit of new prospects, arranging meetings and trying to convince prospects of how they will solve their problems. 

In the midst of the competition, how can you set yourself apart from the rest? Scheduling calls with prospective buyers can be challenging. Considering that an average person receives a ton of emails every day, how do you capture their attention? Sales videos seem to be the perfect solution to this. Whether you are prospecting, working an opportunity or closing a deal, videos are a perfect way to accelerate the sales cycle.

When sales organisations are looking for sales reps, they hire extraverted talkers with great interpersonal relationships. The irony is that most of them spend 36% of their time sending emails or making calls, according to an Insidesales.com study

Incorporating Video in Prospecting Emails

To garner a response, you must appeal to the emotions and human desires of the prospect. To do this, emails are just not enough. In fact, it is incredibly hard to add value to plain text. That is where visuals come in.  According to Vidyard, email subject lines that contain the word “video” are 8 times more likely to be opened. 

Addressing Concerns and Demonstrating Value

Explaining your product in text format can not only be boring to the reader but also create some ambiguity, especially when the concept is not straightforward. Videos bridge this gap by making the explanation about a product to be visually appealing and easy to follow. It is also a quick and convenient way of addressing some of the frequently asked questions or concerns that a buyer may have concerning the product. Research shows that approximately two-thirds of consumers prefer video over text when learning about new products. 

Sending Meeting Reminders

When someone sends a reminder about a meeting that you had not planned for, it is likely to consider attending it. But if the meeting reminder is in the form of plain text, chances are that you are going to ignore it. To break this barrier, videos help build some emotional equity with your prospects, and in this regard, they are likely to attend your meeting. At the very least, the personal touch intrinsic to a video would compel them to extend the courtesy and let you know that they were not interested in the meeting. 

Discussing Contract and Proposals

When you have proven your value to a buyer and they want to go ahead with your product, there are often a lot of questions regarding the contract terms and pricing. To put this issue to perspective, you may be forced to go back and forth trying to come to some agreement. Having a video that summarily highlights those issues can help clear up any confusion in a way that a plain email would not. 

Tools You Need to Make a Great Sales Video

Contrary to a common misconception, video is not as hard, expensive or time-consuming as many make it look. While it has the potential to be just that, there are ways in which you can make the process simpler, more cost-effective and take less time. With tools as simple as your smartphone or a chrome plugin like Vidyard, you can start your video creation. What is more, HubSpot gives you a free Vidyard account that is integrated into the HubSpot CRM.  Other things that you might need for the video include:

  • A webcam
  • A whiteboard to write your prospects name on to show in the opening frame
  • Lighting system - this can even be natural light!
  • Headphones - although ideal, it is optional
  • Visually appealing background

With the most important tools of video creation within an easy reach, producing video for video selling is no longer hectic. Even better, sharing it via email can be effortless, thanks to HubSpot and Vidyard. Beyond emailing, videos can also be sent in social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

How to Get Started

Create a List of Prospects

Before getting started, the first thing you want to do is know your prospects. This will help you develop personalised content that will match the prospect’s mindset and sales stage. 

Write a Script

The first rule of writing a successful sales video script is to keep it short. You don’t want to have an unnecessarily long video that will disinterest your customers. For that reason, it is best to keep it under 60 seconds. Keep the script casual and captivating at the same time. 

Prepare Your Whiteboard

Now that you have your script ready, prepare your whiteboard. Write your prospects name, company name or draw their company logo! You'll hold up the whiteboard at the start of the video and this should be your preview image, as seeing that it is a video personalised specifically for them, could convince your prospect to open and watch the video. 


Find your voice or tone and practice over and over until the script sounds and feels natural. Your audience should be able to understand you, therefore, you will want to pace yourself and avoid rushing through the script. 


The setting of your video has a resounding impact on the quality of the video. Make sure there is enough lighting, and the backdrop is interesting and subtle. Stand when recording and make your body language relaxed, natural and expressive. Smiling is crucial!

What Next?

If you are using Vidyard,  the video will show up in your Vidyard account in the HubSpot video section. For a selfie video, you do not need to edit it. Simply insert it into your email using the HubSpot video plugin or from other email clients such as Gmail or Outlook using the Vidyard Email add-in. Once that is done, you can now monitor your results. Monitoring the analytics help you know who clicked on your videos and how much of each video is watched and above all, who did it. 

Boost Your Sales with Video Selling

Video selling is an innovative and powerful way of communicating your brand, explaining your value proposition and building relationships with customers and prospects. According to the 2020 State of Marketing, video medium emerged as the number 1 form of media used in content strategy, thus overtaking blogs and infographics.

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