Digital Marketing Blog | Struto

The Most Common Problems with Objectives Based Onboarding and Their Solutions

Written by Nsovo Shimange | 23 Jul 2024

Congratulations on taking the exciting step of investing in HubSpot to propel your business forward! As you embark on this new journey of growth and transformation, one crucial aspect to consider is the onboarding process. With so many options available, it's essential to choose the onboarding approach that aligns best with your goals and sets you up for success from the start. 

After careful assessment and consideration of your options, you may decide to explore Objectives Based Onboarding (OBO). This approach to onboarding prioritises your specific objectives, ensuring that every aspect of the process is tailored to meet your unique needs and drive tangible results. But, you might have some concerns and reservations before you decide to commit. 

This blog aims to address these concerns by dissecting the top five problems that you may have when it comes to OBO. From cost concerns to doubts about effectiveness, we'll explore each thoroughly and provide practical solutions that will mean you’ll be fully equipped to decide if objectives based onboarding is the most suitable method to onboarding for your own requirements. 


Problem 1: Cost and Value Perception 

One common hesitation among prospective clients considering OBO is the concern about the cost. It's often perceived as an expensive investment, particularly when the immediate benefits are not clear. Clients may question whether the expense will genuinely lead to enhanced operational efficiency or improved financial performance. 

How we handle this at Struto 

At Struto, we understand the concerns about the costs associated with OBO. We handle these by transparently demonstrating the value we offer through our detailed client success stories. Our approach involves an initial assessment to set out the objectives that our clients want to achieve through the onboarding process and then tailoring our approach to ensure that a clear path is set and that the objectives are met.  

Problem 2: Scope and Limitations 

Together with the cost concerns, clients can sometimes express concerns about the perceived limitations in the customisation options available through OBO. They worry that the onboarding process may not adequately address their specific needs or adapt to their unique business environments, which can make the service seem less appealing. 

How we handle this at Struto  

At Struto, we recognise that every business has unique needs and challenges. That's why we have designed our OBO offering to be customised to fit the specific requirements of each client. We work closely with our clients to identify their key objectives and tailor the onboarding experience to maximise relevance and effectiveness. By walking our clients through the onboarding process, we ensure that we guide them in the right direction so that they can meet their unique objectives. This approach allows us to address any concerns about scope and ensure that every client feels confident with the nature of our service. 

Problem 3: Time Commitment 

Prospective clients can find the amount of time required for OBO a concern. The concern is that the onboarding process might be lengthy and disruptive, potentially delaying the initial time to value and impacting daily operations. 

How we handle this at Struto  

At Struto, we're mindful of the importance of our clients' time. We've designed our OBO process to be as efficient as possible without sacrificing the quality of the experience. We provide a clear, realistic timeline at the outset, detailing each step of the process and what's required from both sides. This ensures that there are no surprises and that every phase is optimised for speed and effectiveness. Additionally, we offer flexible scheduling options to integrate seamlessly into our clients' busy workflows, minimising disruption and accelerating the path to seeing tangible results. 

Problem 4: Complexity and Usability 

A significant hesitation for clients considering OBO is the anticipated complexity of the process and concerns about the usability of the system once the onboarding is complete. Clients often worry that they may not fully grasp the tools and strategies introduced to them during onboarding. 

How we handle this at Struto  

At Struto, we tackle these concerns by ensuring our onboarding process is as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. We provide comprehensive training sessions that are tailored to the learning pace and style of each team. Currently this is facilitated through workshops, but in future our resources will include step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and a comprehensive knowledge base to ensure clients are comfortable and proficient by the end of the onboarding period with a range of resources to hand to refer back to. Additionally, we always offer ongoing support to address any usability issues, helping clients to smoothly transition into competent users of their new systems. 

Problem 5: Effectiveness and ROI 

Potential clients sometimes wonder how effective OBO is. They might be concerned whether this type of onboarding will effectively meet their specific business objectives and provide a tangible ROI. 

How we handle this at Struto  

We are committed to demonstrating the effectiveness of our OBO through clear, measurable outcomes. We utilise performance metrics and success indicators from the outset to establish clear goals and track progress. By providing detailed case studies and testimonials from past clients, we illustrate concrete examples of achieved ROI and enhanced business performance post-onboarding. This evidence-based approach reassures clients of the tangible benefits and real value our onboarding process delivers. Our HubSpot experts can also talk you through any doubts or concerns and your options with onboarding to provide clarity and reassurance.  


At Struto, we're committed to transparency and addressing your concerns to ensure that your journey with us is a resounding success. By talking about the problems and concerns you may have surrounding cost, scope, time commitment, complexity, and ROI head-on, we aim to pave the way for a transformative partnership. So, if you’re ready to take the leap, let's take on this journey together. Reach out to us today to learn more about how OBO can revolutionise your business operations and drive tangible results.